Sunday, June 30, 2024
76.3 F


Introducing the New Ukraine ‘Frankenstein’ Tank to Take on Russian Drones

Ukraine is gearing up to receive an innovative air defense tank nicknamed "Frankenstein," designed...

China’s Military Buildup Sparks Concern Among Americans

Did you know that more than 80% of Americans are worried about China's...

Map Shows Russia’s Probing NATO Borders with Airspace Violations

Recently, both Sweden and Finland, the newest NATO members, reported separate airspace violations...

How Many ‘Experimental’ S-500 Prometheus Air Defenses Does Russia Have?

Russia has recently placed components of its new S-500 air-defense system in Crimea,...

Ukraine’s Azov Brigade Responds to US Arms Ban Lift

The Azov Brigade of Ukraine is determined to...

The Pentagon’s Anti-Vax Program Revealed: Explosive Findings

An investigation by Reuters unveiled shocking details about the U.S. army's...

Gaza Pier to be Dismantled Again due to Rough Seas

Reports indicate that the U.S. Army is considering removing the humanitarian dock off...

Chinese Navy’s “Large Destroyers” Gather in South China Sea

A Chinese flotilla, comprising almost half of its "large" destroyers, recently carried...

Xi Jinping Gave ‘His Word’ China Won’t Give Russia Weapons: Zelensky

## Xi Jinping Promises China Will Not Provide Weapons to Russia, says Zelensky Volodymyr...

Russia’s Cuba Flotilla Visit Is ‘Cheap Blackmail’, Says Ukraine Deputy

Ukrainian lawmakers have criticized President Vladimir Putin's recent naval visit to...

Fire Breaks Out at Bureau Behind Putin’s Most Advanced Combat Jets in Video

A recent local news report revealed that a fire...

US Weapons Push Russians in Ukraine to Back Off: Ukrainian Officials

A Ukrainian lawmaker revealed that American weaponry played a crucial role in halting...

Surprise Attack: 87 Ukrainian Drones Target Russia Overnight

During the night, Ukrainian forces launched a daring attack...

NATO Aircraft Scrambled in Response to Russian Strikes

During a busy night, NATO aircraft were scrambled as Russian drones, missiles, and...

US Nuclear Submarine Surfaces Behind Russian Fleet in Cuba

Last week, a US Navy submarine made a surprise appearance in Guantanamo...

Putin’s Gas Troubles: What’s Happening with Gazprom

So, here's the scoop on Gazprom - it's in hot water and not...

North Korea’s New Beach Resort: A Peek at Wonsan-Kalma Coastal Tourist Zone

Satellite images have unveiled the progress of North Korea's long-awaited Wonsan-Kalma Coastal Tourist...

“`html Orban Upset Over $215 Million Fine for Deporting Migrants

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is furious after the...

Biden Stands Firm Against Putin: “We’re in this for the Long Haul”

BARI, Italy — President Biden announced a new 10-year...

Biden Maps Out New Rail Line Plans

# Biden's New Rail Line Plans President Joe Biden is making big moves in...

Russia Shows Off ‘Electronic Missile Launches’ in Nuclear Drills

Russian forces recently practiced deploying electronically-launched missiles as part of tactical nuclear weapons...

Russian Economy Shifts to China Amid Sanctions Surge

The economic ties between Moscow and Beijing have deepened...

US Ally: China poses a ‘existential’ threat

## US Ally Concerned about China's Threat in South China Sea The Defense Chief...

Discovering the S-500: Russia Bolsters Air Defense in Crimea

Russia has reportedly deployed components of the cutting-edge S-500 air defense system in...

Ukraine Destroys Russia’s State-of-the-Art Radar in Rare Footage

In a recent event captured in Ukraine, forces destroyed a multi-million-dollar Russian radar....

Challenges in Biden’s Sanctions on Putin’s Energy Empire

Despite efforts to expand sanctions against Moscow, Gazprombank remains...

Israel Turns to Medieval Technology, Using Trebuchets to Target Hezbollah

In a surprising move, Israeli soldiers have employed trebuchet-like medieval weaponry on their...

Rare Earth Discovery Could Shake Up China’s Dominance

A mining company has made a groundbreaking discovery in...

Extreme Weather Claims the Lives of Seven Million Livestock

Recently, an extreme weather event—attributed to climate change—has tragically resulted in...

Ukraine’s ATACMS ‘Degrading Russian Air Defenses’ before F-16 Arrival—ISW

Looks like Ukraine is targeting Russia's air defenses before...

Radar Report: ATACMS Strikes Hit Russian Air Defense Systems in Crimea

Reports from local media indicate that a recent Ukrainian air strike...

Russian Warships Spotted Near Florida Arrive at Havana

After a long journey monitored by the US and Canada, Russian...

Russia Switches Up Nuclear Drill Scenario Suddenly

News just in! Russia has made a sudden change to its...

Dmitry Medvedev Takes on US and Allies over ‘Rules-Free’ War on Russia

Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian president, has criticized the US for imposing sanctions on...

Russia Introduces New Weapon to Counter Ukraine’s Naval Drone Threat

Hey there! So, Russia has come up with an...