Where Facebook Is Banned: A Global Map of Blocked Countries

As of July 2024, Statista reports that Facebook remains the world’s leading social network, boasting nearly 3.1 billion users globally. However, it’s important to note that the platform faces significant restrictions and outright bans in various countries.

Currently, nations like China, North Korea, and Iran have implemented total bans on Facebook, as highlighted by Index on Censorship. Other countries, such as Uganda, Russia, and Turkmenistan, have also prohibited the platform.

Facebook’s ban in China dates back to 2009, coinciding with governmental efforts to suppress activism in Xinjiang. Similarly, Iran imposed a ban the same year during widespread protests, while North Korea followed suit in 2016. Russia’s ban came into effect in 2022 due to allegations that Meta violated the nation’s regulations by limiting access to government media. Uganda’s ban was enacted just before the 2021 presidential elections, and Turkmenistan has reportedly prevented access to Facebook since 2021.

Critics raise ethical concerns over social media bans, emphasizing the precarious balance between national security and free speech rights. Such actions could violate international norms protecting freedom of expression, particularly outlined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Bans on Facebook are not limited to the countries mentioned. The platform experiences temporary restrictions in regions facing political turmoil, such as Turkey, Belarus, Myanmar, and Egypt. In India, Facebook continues to operate but with certain content limitations. Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia and Syria, while the platform remains accessible, it’s subject to intense monitoring and selective group bans, respectively. Cuba has also seen restricted access during protest periods, and Pakistan’s usage is similarly curtailed.

Despite these restrictions, India still holds the record for the highest number of active Facebook users, with 378 million as per April 2024 data. The U.S. follows with 193.8 million users, and Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, the Philippines, and Vietnam round out the top rankings, showcasing the platform’s varied global presence.

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