A Surprising DNA Ancestry Test Reveals Unusual Results, Leaving Man Wondering: “Is this Normal?”

A man’s quest to delve into his family history took an unexpected turn when a DNA test yielded startling results.

The desire to unearth ancestral roots is strong among Americans. A recent 2022 survey of more than 2,100 U.S. adults, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Ancestry, a genealogy company, revealed that 66 percent of respondents are keen on exploring their family heritage.

Greg Curry, a photographer hailing from Cape Breton Island, Canada, was eager to uncover his origins. In 2016, he and his wife opted for a DNA test to trace their lineage.

Having no specific expectations from the results, Curry somewhat anticipated a link to his Scottish and Irish heritage. “I knew that I had a strong history of Scottish and Irish ancestry,” he shared.

However, the outcome for his wife proved quite surprising, with hints of Italian and Northern African ancestry. Desiring a similar exciting discovery for himself, Curry nervously awaited his test results.

Upon viewing the findings, Curry found himself taken aback. His test revealed he is 100 percent of northwestern European descent, specifically British and Irish. The visual depiction in the results indicated a single shade of blue covering Great Britain and Ireland, representing Curry’s ancestry.

Reflecting on the results, Curry humorously noted the lack of diversity in his family tree compared to his wife’s varied ancestry. Despite the initial shock, he saw the lighter side of it and even shared his experience on TikTok (@greg_curry).

Greg Curry and his personal genealogy results.

Curry, though somewhat surprised, wasn’t entirely taken aback, considering the strong Scottish and Irish presence in his local community. Yet, he acknowledged the uniqueness of his 100 percent ancestry, pondering on its rarity among his peers.

“It is wild to have 100 percent, though! I’ve talked to some friends, and they don’t have 100 percent, so I’m not sure how normal it is,” Curry mused.

Despite the lack of dramatic revelations, the experience hasn’t significantly altered Curry’s self-perception. “I’m proud of my heritage and have since delved deeper into my family’s island history,” he shared.

Encouraging others to explore their family roots, Curry finds the journey fascinating, humorously adding, “You might find out something new about yourself…or end up like me!”

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