Almond Croissant Moms Unite: One Woman’s Heartfelt Call Brings the Internet Together

A mom on TikTok is garnering attention for her laid-back approach to parenting, particularly in how she handles her kids’ eating habits. Amber describes herself as an “almond croissant mom,” a playful twist on the well-known term ‘almond mom,’ which is often linked to strict eating routines and body image obsessions.

In her video, Amber emphasizes, “My children aren’t growing up with an ‘almond mom’ but rather a let’s go grab a coffee and sweet treat mom.” This new label highlights her focus on enjoying life with her kids through coffee and pastries, rather than fixating on calorie counting.

The term ‘almond mom’ has been around for a while, referring to parents who enforce restrictive diets. In stark contrast, Amber’s refreshing take promotes bonding over food experiences rather than restrictions. Other TikTok parents have quickly rallied around Amber’s message, sharing their own stories of adopting a lighter, more enjoyable approach to meals.

One commenter expressed, “I had an almond mum, so I am also an almond croissant mum,” while another shared her desire to be the fun mom, writing, “I want to be a ‘you want ice cream? Me too! Let’s go!’ kind of mom.”

Mom's callout for almond croissant mom

Hope, a dietitian, chimed in to support Amber’s philosophy, noting that enjoying foods often seen as guilty pleasures can help normalize their place in children’s diets. She emphasized the importance of balance, suggesting that parents should provide whole foods while keeping processed snacks to around 10 to 15 percent of their kids’ diets. This way, indulging in treats remains a positive experience.

Amber’s video, which has already racked up over 119,000 views since its release on June 5, has united many parents in this new movement. Welcoming others to join her community, she playfully quipped about the frequency of “minor inconveniences” that warrant sweet rewards.

In a world where food has become a contentious topic, Amber’s approach is a call for balance and joy in mealtime experiences.

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