Boomers: Embracing a New Era of Retirement Reinvention

A recent study reveals that retirees are enjoying lives their younger selves would envy. Over 25% of retired individuals believe their younger selves would be thrilled with their current lifestyle.

Commissioned by IHG Hotels & Resorts and carried out by Talker Research, the survey gathered feedback from 2,000 Americans who retired or will retire between 2020 and 2029. Many retirees feel rejuvenated, with 60% embracing what they call a “retirement reinvention”—essentially stepping into new, vibrant versions of themselves.

Travel is a major focus for many, as nearly two in five retirees have plans to travel to celebrate their retirement. In fact, 60% aim to travel more than they did during their working years. This heightened enthusiasm may stem from the 36% of retirees wishing they had worked less and enjoyed life more during their careers.

Boomers Are Having a Retirement Reinvention
Photo-illustration by Newsweek

When it comes to retirement celebration trips, 75% have vacations planned in the next year, with popular destinations including U.S. locations (59%), Europe (31%), and even North American spots outside the U.S. (23%). Some adventurous souls are even considering trips to Antarctica!

Connor Smith, vice president of masterbrand at IHG Hotels & Resorts, commented, “It’s amazing to see retirees seizing the opportunity to engage in experiences they didn’t have time for during their careers. People often prioritize work and family, so witnessing them truly embrace life in retirement is inspiring.”

In addition to travel, retirees are diving into new hobbies or rediscovering old ones; 76% have embraced new skills, with gardening, reading, and cooking topping the list. Activities range from raising chickens to painting rocks, while others have taken up model railroads, day trading, and more. Notably, around 15% hope to find love again during retirement—making dating a part of their plans.

Smith highlighted that while some fear boredom post-retirement, retirees are coming up with numerous ways to enjoy their newfound free time—from traveling and side hustles to new hobbies—turning retirement into an exciting phase of life.

However, it’s important to acknowledge the financial concerns many retirees face. A recent Harris Poll discovered that 31% of adults lack retirement accounts, which could lead to difficulties in sustaining themselves. Additionally, about 30% are relying on Social Security, which may face cuts in the coming years due to dwindling reserves.

Some retirees express guilt about leaving the workforce while their children struggle financially. One father shared on Reddit how he feels conflicted about his lifestyle plans as he worries about his adult children’s financial burdens.

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