Dad Shows Ads During Kids’ Movie Night, Can’t Believe Their Reaction!

A TikTok video featuring a dad’s entertaining encounter with two seven-year-olds has taken social media by storm, resonating particularly with older viewers.

In the viral clip, Cole shares a memorable moment with his wife Shannon as they discuss their daughters’ confusion about watching a movie with ads. When Cole mentions that they could view the film for free but would have to sit through advertisements that last about a minute, the girls look perplexed.

One of the children asks, “Can you skip it?” To which Cole replies no, prompting another girl to connect the situation to “vacation TV”—the basic cable experience often found in hotel rooms. This revelation left Cole amazed at the stark generational gap in understanding traditional advertising.

As the conversation unfolds, one girl exclaims, “Yeah, and you can’t pause it or rewind it!” Cole described this moment as a significant eye-opener, realizing that many kids today are totally unfamiliar with commercials as they’ve evolved.

Shannon’s original post has amassed over six million views, sparking a flurry of nostalgic comments from users who reminisced about the simpler days of TV. One user noted, “They’ll never know the scramble to get back in time from the kitchen when the show comes back!” Another reminisced, “Remember the week-long waits for the next episode?”

Man unprepared for girls' response


While kids today encounter ads on platforms like YouTube, the straightforward commercial has largely faded away, with many ads now seamlessly woven into content.

Other TikTok users chimed in, sharing similar stories about their children’s confusion with advertising, including one parent whose child thought they could skip ads on the radio.

Experts suggest that these changes in media consumption could serve as teaching moments for kids to discern between entertainment and advertising.

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