From Couple to Family: Adoptive Dads Reflect on Their Quick Journey to a Family of 5

Meet PJ and Thomas McKay, a couple from Tennessee who transformed their lives from a duo to a busy family of five in a whirlwind of love and challenges.

According to PJ McKay, 38, reflecting back, “We knew we wanted a family, but how we’d get there was the real question.” Their journey took a surprising turn when they became foster parents.

The pair’s Instagram reel showcasing their drastic life changes has garnered over 10 million views, illustrating how their lives were altered forever with the arrival of three siblings who they later adopted in 2021.

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Hailing from Chattanooga, TN, the McKays explored options like surrogacy and private adoption before discovering their passion for foster care, inspired by friends who shared their experiences.

With a current need for over 9,000 foster homes in Tennessee, they felt called to help. “We realized the urgency,” Thomas, 33, shared.

When they welcomed Allan, Riah, and Anna—aged 4, 2, and 1—the couple’s lives changed dramatically. Thomas admitted, “We had zero experience. I’d never even changed a diaper before!”

The first week was daunting, filled with questions of doubt and worries about their abilities. PJ recalled, “We wondered if we had bitten off more than we could chew.”

Yet, with some training and guidance from family, the couple quickly fell in love with their new routine. “It became our new normal almost instantly,” Thomas said, expressing how natural their roles felt.

After a brief time in a kinship placement, the kids returned to the McKays forever. “We’re so grateful it worked out that way,” they said, noting the emotional bond was already deep before the adoption was official.

Now, as the kids thrive at ages 9, 7, and 6, PJ and Thomas share that each phase brings its challenges but also endless joy. “Everything feels richer, like we see life in a whole new way,” they reflected. “Our family is bigger, yet it feels just right—as if it was meant to be.”

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