Why a Mom’s Advice at the Pool Went Viral and Taught a Valuable Lesson

A heartwarming story of a mom empowering her daughter to stand up for herself has taken social media by storm, thanks to Kirah Johnson, a parent coach known as @wehavetogothroughit on Instagram.

Johnson recounted the incident where her daughter faced a dilemma in a pool situation, and another mom intervened with powerful advice that left both kids feeling empowered.

While playing on a floaty, the girls lost their spot to an older boy. The other mom, in a coaching moment, encouraged her daughter to speak up for herself, teaching her that it’s okay to assert her needs confidently.

Mom teaches girl assertiveness

With this boost, the girl confronted the boy, who promptly apologized and returned the floaty, showcasing the positive impact of self-advocacy.

Johnson reflected on how she would have handled the situation differently and highlighted the importance of communal parenting, where even strangers can offer valuable lessons.

Many resonated with the empowering message, praising the strength of women in nurturing resilient individuals. Some shared similar struggles in teaching their own kids self-assertion, expressing frustrations when older kids dismiss their attempts.

Johnson empathized with these challenges, emphasizing the ongoing learning process of self-advocacy and the support parents provide in fostering independence.

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