Man Shares Shocking Health Transformation After a Year on the Carnivore Diet

We often hear the advice to maintain a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, but some individuals choose to follow a meat-centric approach known as the carnivore diet. This decision can spark debates, yet Ray Hicks is a staunch advocate for it. After a year of exclusively eating meat, he decided to conduct thorough blood tests to evaluate his health.

Ray Hicks

Blood Test Results

In a viral TikTok video that gained over a million views, Hicks shared that his complete blood count came back “absolutely perfect.” He highlighted that all 21 markers they tested showed great results, especially his robust red and white blood cell counts.

However, not all findings were optimal. His creatinine levels, which indicate kidney function, were slightly elevated at 1.31 mg/dL, just above the normal threshold of 1.27 mg/dL. While elevated creatinine can suggest kidney problems, Hicks was not too worried because his blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels were normal. “My BUN levels were fantastic,” he remarked.


Regarding cholesterol, Hicks had an LDL level exceeding the recommended 100 mg/dL limit, while his HDL was a commendable 85 mg/dL, well above the minimum of 40. Although high cholesterol is often linked to heart disease, Hicks maintains a positive outlook. He emphasizes watching the triglycerides-to-HDL ratio as a more relevant marker for heart health, claiming, “For instance, my triglycerides are at 52, giving me a stellar ratio of 0.61.”

Expert Insights on Cholesterol

Experts caution that our understanding of cholesterol’s role in heart disease is still evolving. Hicks’ blood results were interpreted positively by specialists, noting his low inflammation markers and absence of insulin resistance. They believe that his cholesterol levels may not pose a risk given his healthy indicators.

That said, the nuances of cholesterol within the context of a low-carb or carnivore diet are under active investigation, as factors like inflammation and insulin resistance can change the implications of these levels.

Hicks’ tests also covered glucose, sodium, and liver function. His glucose reading of 95 mg/dL and normal sodium levels were encouraging, though elevated alkaline phosphatase levels at 124 raised a minor concern for liver health. Despite this, Hicks felt reassured with other normal liver markers, stating, “I am more intrigued than worried.”

Additionally, his results for HbA1c and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were normal, along with healthy testosterone and vitamin D levels.

Incorporating Plant-Based Foods

Weight loss

As Hicks reflects on his dietary regimen, he mentioned reintroducing fruits, vegetables, and dairy into his meals. He expressed excitement about returning to a strict carnivore diet soon, but he also enjoys indulging in fruit occasionally, saying, “Fruit tastes phenomenal and it’s worth enjoying life.”

Hicks’ journey underscores the significance of regular health check-ups in understanding one’s wellness. Elevated creatinine and cholesterol are signs to monitor, but with attention and informed choices, he feels secure in his health and dietary practices.

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