Cat on a Leash: Hilarious Mishaps from a Walk Gone Wrong!

A Chicago couple recently captured the internet’s attention with a hilarious video of their orange cat’s reaction to his first walk on a leash. The clip, posted by the user lucky_cat911, showcases the boyfriend attempting to take the reluctant feline for a stroll in the park, but the cat clearly wants no part of it.

Upon realizing they were heading outside, the frightened kitty immediately climbed up the boyfriend’s arm, desperately trying to retreat back into the safety of his backpack carrier. It’s clear that the little guy is far from ready to leave his comfort zone.

“Me and my boyfriend decided to take our cat out for the first time, his reaction,” the poster captioned the amusing video.

cat on leash
Getty Images

When introducing your cat to the outdoors, experts like Broadhurst recommend using a harness rather than a collar to prevent choking hazards. The harness should fit snugly enough to deter escapes but not so tight that it digs into the skin.

There are three harness types to consider: H-shape, walking jackets, and vest harnesses. According to cat behaviorist Pam Johnson-Bennett, the best choice depends on your cat’s comfort level with different materials. H-shape harnesses offer more freedom but can come off easily, while walking jackets are the safest option albeit bulkier. Vest harnesses tend to strike a good balance between safety and freedom.

The TikTok video quickly went viral, racking up over 1.5 million views and 153,000 likes. Viewers were entertained by the cat’s strong reaction, with comments like: “He said: I’m a house cat. HOUSE! Where is my house!” from user J unlimited. Another user chimed in with, “He’s like how dare you take me outside like I’m some sort of animal!” while others offered advice on how to ease a pet into outdoor adventures, suggesting slow introductions and rewarding good behavior.

Clearly, this cat is firmly committed to life indoors, and its comedic reaction has resonated with many fellow pet owners!

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