“Dog Lover Faces Dilemma as Hairless Cat Steals Her Heart”

For many, a cat cuddling up for some affection is a delightful experience. But for one woman, her shocked reaction to a hairless cat’s affection has gone viral. In a TikTok video shared by Garland (@mila_yuri), her friend Avery finds herself in a rather awkward position with a cat named Mila.

As Mila snuggles into Avery’s lap, the contrasting emotions are palpable. Avery looks both horrified and amused, while Garland notes, “she’s more of a dog person.” Despite her previous hesitance towards cats—and her allergy to them—Mila seemed to have chosen Avery as her favorite human for the night.

TikTok @mila_yuri

Garland filmed the moment on August 3, where Mila showed off her affectionate side, rubbing against Avery’s face while their friend Caly cheered her on. Commenters on TikTok enjoyed the video, with one observing, “I swear cats LOVE people that don’t love them.” Another added, “That’s an affectionate raw chicken you have there.”

Garland explained that while Avery had given Mila a few awkward pets in the past, this encounter was entirely different. Interestingly, despite being allergic to cats, Avery left the gathering with very swollen eyes but with a somewhat softened heart—though she still prefers dogs.

Garland owns another Sphynx cat named Yuri and shared that she got the breed after her husband agreed to have a cat only if it was hairless—a plan that, accordingly, backfired on him!

TikTok @mila_yuri

Although Sphynx cats are best known for their unique appearance, they are quite sociable, active, and affectionate, often resembling dogs in their behavior. Since their appearance in 1966 due to a genetic mutation, these hairless wonders have continued to charm their way into hearts everywhere, even those of dedicated dog lovers.

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