Dog’s Hilarious Attempt to Ignore Owner’s Dinner Fails Spectacularly

A Jack Russell named Clyde thought he was being sly by pretending not to watch his owner Laura Jones during dinner, but it was clear to everyone that he was on high alert!

Dogs and food; a timeless love affair! A 2023 study in the journal Animals shed light on just how much our furry friends adore their meals. The study involved 10 local dogs who were presented with six food items to identify their favorites.

The experiment continued with an increased challenge. Interestingly, dogs were quicker to give up if tempted by a toy than when their favorite treat was at stake. It was all about food motivation!

Back to Clyde: he’s not just any dog—he’s a food enthusiast, especially when it comes to Laura’s cooking. Clyde lights up her life with his playful and loving demeanor. “He enjoys walks, chasing balls, and barking at visitors. Clyde has a lovely disposition, although he’s fiercely protective of his loved ones,” Jones shared.

Clyde the Jack Russell.


Mealtime brings a new level of excitement for Clyde, who positions himself closely near Jones, eyeing any potential crumbs. He’s learned to keep up appearances, pretending to gaze out into the distance while secretly hoping for a morsel, as showcased in a funny TikTok video on Jones’s account, lolly.jones82.

Clyde the dog playing it cool.


“I finally captured his mealtime antics on video—it’s too funny!” exclaimed Jones. “He knows he shouldn’t be eyeing human food, but he does it anyway!”

Jones describes Clyde as a clever little guy. “He’s smart and can howl on command!” she said, but she also added that he has a cheeky side. “He once devoured a full chocolate advent calendar, leaving me with a hefty vet bill and a shamed pup facing the corner!”

So, while Clyde might live for food and occasionally find himself in trouble, it’s evident that love flows abundantly in Jones’s home—even if mealtime is a little tense.

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