Five Hours Alone: The Hilarious Aftermath of a German Shepherd Puppy’s Solo Adventure

A dog owner from the U.K. recently shared a jaw-dropping video of the mess her German shepherd puppy made after being home alone for five hours. Meet Rolo, a lively five-month-old pup who has already stolen the hearts of his new family.

Dora, who shares her adventures on TikTok under the handle dorathexplora02, recounts how Rolo came into her life. “We went to see a few golden shepherd puppies and ended up bringing him home. The rest is history,” she explained.

With an energetic personality, Rolo loves chasing balls, munching on grass, and gnawing on his yak chew. “He’s so curious and loves to explore everything around him,” Dora added.

Yet, as any dog owner knows, caring for a puppy is no easy feat. A recent survey found that 30% of dog owners view the first two years of raising a pup as the toughest, with some even saying it’s harder than raising a baby!

After a routine morning walk, Dora left Rolo in the kitchen with some toys and food while she headed to work. To make sure he was okay, she asked her father to check in on him around 2 PM. That’s when the chaos began.

“He sent me pictures showing the kitchen in ruins – the flooring was ripped up, the wood around the pipes was chewed, and the entire puppy pad was shredded,” she described. Rolo was also caught red-handed munching on a sponge!

Rolo trashed his owner's home.

Dora captured the shocking scene in her video, showcasing the puppy happily eating in the corner, unfazed by his antics. Fortunately, cleaning up was manageable, and she quickly restored the room to its former glory.

To prevent further disasters, she’s now keeping Rolo in the bathroom when they leave, stocked with toys, a couple of her T-shirts, and some soothing music. “So far, it’s working great!” she said.

Despite the stress, Dora found solace in sharing the video online. She’s received helpful tips from fellow dog owners and believes she’ll look back on this experience with a laugh in the future. “It’ll be a funny memory of Rolo’s puppy days,” she reflected.

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