Ragdoll Cat Responds to ‘Screaming Kids’ Thinking They’re Meowing!

A cute encounter between a ragdoll cat and some distant children has taken the internet by storm, leaving many in fits of laughter. The video features Louie, an adorable feline, who decided to respond to the sounds of kids yelling nearby, thinking they were meowing.

Posted by Instagram user @louiethelilacragdoll on June 12, the clip shows Louie, comfortably perched in his pet stroller, looking around before letting out a series of meows back at the loud children while out shopping. Unlike most cats, who might ignore the commotion, Louie eagerly joined the ‘conversation.’

The video has caught the attention of many, racking up over 3 million views and more than 400,000 likes since it went live. Louie’s owner explained that their meowing exchanges have become a fun game between them, which has led the chatty kitty to meow on command. She was still taken aback to see him mimic someone other than her for the first time in public.

It’s well known that cats communicate using a variety of sounds—beyond just meows—which include purring, hissing, and even chirping. They also rely on body language, such as tail movements or rolling around, to convey their emotions. Hill’s Pet Nutrition explains that as cat owners spend time with their pets, they can learn to interpret these cues, strengthening their bond.

Communication may not always come in the same language, but both cats and their owners can understand each other’s signals over time.

Ragdoll cat


Community Reactions

With over 540 comments, users have chimed in with funny and heartfelt remarks. One user observed, “Proof that cats are sometimes better than humans,” while another exclaimed, “I do the same thing Louie!”

Another charming comment read: “Louie just wants to help, he’s so adorable,” and one parent shared, “My child started meowing when he heard your cat meowing. The cycle continues.”

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