Deaf Dog’s Heartwarming Reaction to Owner’s Return Wins Internet Hearts: ‘What a Smile!’

Returning home to an enthusiastic pup is a dream for most dog owners, but for Emma Lot, it’s a different story. She has to gently wake up her deaf pit bull, Noomi, upon her arrival. This sweet moment was recently shared on TikTok (@emmalot143), quickly gaining over 901,000 views. In the video, Lot explains that Noomi can’t hear her coming home, so she taps her to wake her from her peaceful slumber. The endearing reaction, a “pretty smile” from Noomi, has won over many viewers online.

Can Dogs Really Smile?

According to canine behavior expert Lagercrantz, dogs don’t smile like humans do. Their expressions are more about relaxation, contentment, and showing trust. Over time, dogs have adapted to understand human emotions and body language. Their “smiles,” often characterized by an open mouth and tongue out, elicit positive responses from their owners, encouraging them to display this behavior more frequently.

Interpreting a dog’s smile requires context, though. A relaxed dog may smile while wagging its tail or moving playfully, whereas a dog that feels threatened might also show its teeth, but with a stiff posture and slow movements. Knowing these nuances helps prevent misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

Tips for Caring for a Deaf Dog

Dr. Anna Foreman, a veterinarian from the U.K., offers some helpful advice for owners of deaf dogs:

  1. Use hand signals for commands instead of verbal ones. Teaching sign language can significantly enhance communication.
  2. Approach your dog slowly and quietly, especially when they are asleep. Try making soft vibrations with your steps to alert them to your presence.
  3. Keep a close eye on your deaf dog when outside, particularly in busy areas, as they are less aware of potential dangers. Using leads and appropriate identification can help keep them safe.
  4. During walks in the dark, use lights to signal your position and help them stay oriented.
  5. Leverage their strong sense of smell through scent work to engage their minds and prevent boredom.

TikTok’s Heartfelt Response

This touching moment between Emma and Noomi has gone viral, and viewers are embracing the love shown in the video. Lot explains in the comments that even though Noomi can’t hear her, she continues to talk to her, as dogs are attentive to facial expressions and lips. “Awww she’s the purest form of love,” remarked a viewer, with many echoing sentiments about Noomi’s beautiful smile.

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