Dog Handles False Pregnancy with Heartwarming Self-Comfort—Meet ‘Her New Babies’

A touching TikTok video featuring a German shepherd named Ava has melted hearts across the internet as she navigated a false pregnancy by doting on random household items.

Owner Laura Walton, who shares her adventures with Ava (@ava.adventure.gsd), documented the unusual behavior of her 11-month-old pup during this challenging time. As Ava displayed nesting behaviors, Walton noticed her carrying around teddy bears and other assorted objects to soothe herself.

“She showed the same signs as when she first went into heat at eight months. But I was aware it was too soon since that cycle typically occurs every six months, and she had only three months between them,” Walton explained.

Concerned, Laura consulted her veterinarian, who diagnosed Ava with a phantom pregnancy, a common occurrence in unspayed female dogs. This condition can lead to maternal behaviors despite the dog not being pregnant.

German shepherd babying items

@ava.adventure.gsd / TikTok

Unspayed females typically enter estrous cycles every six to twelve months, undergoing significant hormonal shifts to prepare for potential pregnancy. If conception doesn’t occur, hormone levels normalize. However, in cases of false pregnancy, hormonal changes can trick the dog’s body into mimicking the signs of pregnancy, often without the need for medical intervention, as it typically resolves on its own within two to three weeks.

Initially, Ava was fixated on her stuffed animals, but when the vet advised Laura to take them away to encourage her recovery, Ava simply found other items to nurture, including a piece of wood and a flower pot.

“It felt harsh removing her toys, but she didn’t seem to mind. She just moved on to new objects. My focus was on being patient and empathetic, especially since her hormones were fluctuating,” Walton shared.

“We were able to manage it fairly quickly, helping her avoid excessive attachment to any particular toy, and her milk production tapered off swiftly. I believe taking away her teddies helped her cope.”

Now that the nesting phase is behind her, Ava is on the mend though still not quite herself.

After sharing her emotional video of Ava and “her new babies” online, it quickly went viral, racking up over 863,200 views and 109,900 likes. Viewers were charmed by Ava’s efforts to care for odd items, turning into an unexpected viral sensation.

Laura intended the video to capture a delightful moment and connect with fellow dog lovers but was surprised by its overwhelming response.

“I’m not looking to breed, but if I ever did, I know she’d make a fantastic mother,” she added with a smile.

The TikTok post sparked numerous comments, with one user reminiscing about their dog’s false pregnancy, humorously noting, “She raised two lovely shoes, which were the cleanest shoes I ever owned!” Another chimed in, saying, “Great excuse to get a puppy!” while someone else joked, “My dog is having the same experience—her baby today is a slice of toast.”

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