Fierce Feline Vows to Safeguard New Rescue Kitten: ‘Not on My Watch!’

A cat’s humorous antics in protecting a newly rescued kitten have taken social media by storm, resulting in a charming video that went viral.

Shared on TikTok in August by @deniseglessner, the video captures the poster’s playful orange cat lounging in a cat tree, fiercely guarding the sleeping kitten on the adjacent couch.

In the clip, the owner expresses her confusion: “Not sure what his problem is. Every time I try to touch the kitten he tries to smack me.” Every effort to pet the little one is met with a playful smack from the orange guardian. “Jerk! You won’t let me touch the baby? Why can’t I touch the baby?” she exclaims, clearly amused.

Despite her persistence, the owner finds herself asking, “Are you going to let me touch the baby?”

As the playful back-and-forth continues, a caption reads, “He is guarding the new kitten we rescued.”

cat protects adopted kitten

Getty Images

According to Glessner, while the orange cat has adjusted well to indoor living, he shows some residual ‘feral’ behaviors. “He gets territorial in his custom cat tree, spitting and playfully swatting when we try to touch him,” she notes. “But it’s clear he’s just being playful. He’s full of character, and we adore him.” The kitten he was “protecting” was also rescued from the same area.

Glessner highlights the seriousness of animal rescue efforts: “While this story has a happy ending, many cats endure harsh lives outdoors facing hunger, predators, and illness.” She urges pet owners to spay/neuter their pets and consider supporting local rescue organizations.

PETA reports an alarming 60 to 100 million homeless cats roaming the streets in the U.S., relying on humans for survival, yet facing numerous dangers including diseases and injury.

Additionally, cats can significantly impact wildlife, with studies from the American Bird Conservancy revealing millions of birds and small mammals fall prey to free-roaming cats annually.

Bringing a new kitten into a home with a resident cat can be tricky but is manageable. It’s best to introduce them through scent by rubbing a cloth on the new kitten and letting the older cat sniff it, offering treats to create a positive association.

Ensure that each cat has their own space to retreat to when needed and supervise their interactions until they’re comfortable with each other.

The TikTok video has amassed over 597,300 views and 93,600 likes, attracting plenty of viewer engagement. One user asked, “Is he jealous or protective? We definitely need an update.” Others shared their own experiences with cats, adding to the lively conversation.

The delightful video serves not only to entertain but to raise awareness about the realities of animal rescue, fostering a community that supports cats in need.

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