Can Donald Trump Really Alter the 25th Amendment? Here’s What You Need to Know

At a recent campaign rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin, Donald Trump shared his desire to modify the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. His proposal focuses on allowing the removal of a vice president who allegedly obscures the president’s incapacity.

Trump targeted Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing her of covering up President Joe Biden’s mental state, which he considers unfit for office. “If a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president… it’s grounds for impeachment immediately and removal from office,” he told the cheering crowd.

Initially adopted in July 1965, shortly after JFK’s assassination, the 25th Amendment outlines the process for presidential succession in the event of death, incapacity, or removal.

Donald Trump


Modifying the 25th Amendment is challenging. It requires either a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress or a national convention initiated by two-thirds of state legislatures, followed by ratification from three-fourths of the states.

Harris, on her end, defended Biden in a recent CNN interview, stating he remains fit for the presidency. “He is smart and loyal to the American people,” she emphasized after Biden endorsed her for the upcoming election.

Following Biden’s announcement of his reelection withdrawal, Trump intensified his criticism of Harris and the media, alleging that they covered up for Biden’s weak performance during a debate. At the rally, he remarked, “Biden doesn’t know he’s alive and she’s worse.” 

Trump’s new focus on Harris marks a shift from his previous criticisms of Biden. He has recalibrated his message to directly target Harris, often replacing Biden’s name with hers in his remarks. Throughout his lengthy Wisconsin speech, he mentioned Biden a whopping 22 times and Harris 16 times, demonstrating the ongoing spotlight on their political rivalry.

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