JD Vance Dismisses Polls: ‘It Doesn’t Matter’

JD Vance recently expressed skepticism about public opinion polls, emphasizing the importance of earning the trust of American voters over simply analyzing poll results.

Earlier this year, Donald Trump had a solid lead over Joe Biden, but following Kamala Harris’s nomination, the dynamics have shifted, with Harris now ahead in several polls.

During a campaign stop in Philadelphia, Vance was questioned about the changing poll numbers regarding Trump and Harris. He firmly stated that he doesn’t put stock in polls, regardless of whether they show his and Trump’s standings as leading, tied, or trailing.

When pressed on how to regain ground if he believed the polls, Vance replied: “I don’t trust polls that say we’re up, tied, or down. Our focus is on winning the trust of American voters, not being swayed by public opinion polls.”

JD Vance


The Ohio senator reflected on his previous campaign, where he was predicted to lose to Democratic challenger Tim Ryan but ended up winning by 6.1 percentage points in 2022. He noted that the media often presents polls that can discourage voter turnout.

Vance stated, “I believe the media pushes these polls to influence the narrative and turnout. Polls don’t matter. What truly matters is the economic struggles people are facing, like affording groceries.”

He added his belief that Trump would ultimately win in Pennsylvania and across the country. Recent data from Navigator Research indicates Harris isn’t leading in any major battleground states, with polls showing her tied with Trump in Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, while trailing in Arizona and Pennsylvania.

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