Mary Trump Slams Donald Trump for His Chaotic Rants

Mary Trump, estranged niece of the former president, criticized Donald Trump’s recent remarks at the New York Economic Club, calling his thoughts on tariffs and childcare a “disjointed riff.” During his appearance, the Republican nominee discussed his economic vision, emphasizing plans to tackle the housing affordability crisis and enhance domestic energy production.

When asked how he planned to reduce the soaring costs of childcare, Trump suggested that raising tariffs on imports would be the solution. “Childcare is essential in this country,” he noted, but shifted focus to the potential revenue from tariffs, claiming they would outweigh the costs of childcare.

Donald Trump
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Trump expressed that while childcare is a pressing issue, the sums involved are minor compared to the expected economic gains from his tariff plan. He insisted that America would be reaping trillions from these taxes, making childcare costs seem relatively insignificant in comparison.

Mary Trump responded sharply to his comments, declaring it a challenge for anyone to piece together the logic of his statements. She pointed out that the only coherent part of his speech was the phrase “childcare is childcare,” while calling most of the rest “disjointed” and full of catchphrases.

Emphasizing the need for media to report Trump’s speeches accurately rather than interpreting them, she raised concerns about his communication style, particularly as he is now the oldest candidate at 78, in the race following Joe Biden’s exit.

In his defense, Trump recently told supporters in Pennsylvania that his speeches, while seemingly meandering, are intentionally woven together. “You know what the weave is?” he explained, claiming that it all connects brilliantly in the end, despite the media labeling it as “rambling.” He maintained that he could discuss multiple topics seamlessly without making noticeable errors.

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