Popular Grocery Picks: What Americans Are Buying Most

In the past year, Americans have shown a clear preference for fruits and vegetables when grocery shopping, even as hamburgers and fries remain beloved meals. A survey conducted by Statista revealed that 64% of participants aged 18 to 64 bought fresh produce most frequently, with eggs coming in a close second at 60%.

This survey, spanning from June 2023 to June 2024, highlighted hamburgers as the top dish for 85% of respondents, followed closely by French fries and grilled cheese sandwiches, each at 84%. It’s interesting to note that while many enjoy these comfort foods, they often don’t incorporate fruits and veggies into the mix.

The stereotype of the American diet being unhealthy is persistent, with challenges like weight management frequently arising. As reported by Medical News, part of the issue is lifestyle-related—Americans often rely on cars for transportation, unlike many European nations where walking is more common.

Moreover, traditional meal portion sizes in the U.S. are larger, which can contribute to overconsumption, even of seemingly healthy meals at popular chains. Eliassen points out that a significant portion of American calories come from ultra-processed foods such as sodas and snacks.

Grocery Story Fruit and Veg
Camille Delbos/Art In All of Us via Getty Images

Eliassen emphasizes that while there’s a positive trend toward consuming more fruits and vegetables, many still struggle with creating ideal diets rich in whole foods while minimizing sugary and processed items.

The most popular diet among Americans as of April 2024 remains a high-protein diet. This approach, which is known to help curb hunger and maintain muscle mass, continues to attract followers. Following this is the mindful diet, which encourages individuals to savor their meals and recognize fullness cues.

The rise in high-protein diets corresponds with grocery shopping trends, as eggs, dairy, and meats rank among the top items bought, all being excellent protein sources.

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