Russian Analyst Advocates Nuclear Strikes on New York and London

In light of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, Stanislav Krapivnik, a Russian-American pundit, has made some alarming statements. He asserts that Russia is effectively at war with NATO and advocates for a nuclear strike on major cities like New York or London in retaliation.

During an interview with Roman Guz on Russian media, Krapivnik labeled the U.S. as Russia’s enemy, claiming they seek to “destroy the Russian people.” His extreme remarks have drawn attention, especially after Julia Davis, founder of Russian Media Monitor, posted a clip where Krapivnik dehumanizes Americans, stating, “These are not people; these are animals.”

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the conflict has escalated into Europe’s most significant military and humanitarian crisis since World War II. With the U.S., U.K., and other NATO allies providing support to Ukraine, Krapivnik called for the complete annihilation of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, suggesting, “There should be corpses, mountains of corpses!”

He explicitly mentioned that Russia is “already at war with NATO,” urging for aggressive action: “Either give them a choice or strike.”

Adding fuel to the fire, Ukrainian forces recently launched a significant attack in Russia’s Kursk region, marking the largest incursion since World War II. Krapivnik claimed this attack could lead to a nuclear incident at the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, a key energy facility in the area, reiterating accusations that Ukrainians planned to provoke nuclear contamination.

Despite Ukrainian officials dismissing these claims as baseless propaganda, Krapivnik maintained that such actions justified a nuclear response against Kyiv. He warned of potential destruction in U.S. cities, affirming that “nuclear missiles will fly against Washington and London” if provoked.

Kursk Incursion


The ongoing war has escalated fears of a nuclear confrontation, with Russia reportedly preparing its tactical nuclear forces. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has ominously placed the Doomsday Clock at 90 seconds to midnight, signaling a perilous global situation.

Currently, Russia possesses an estimated 5,580 nuclear warheads, surpassing the U.S., which holds about 5,044 warheads, according to a 2024 report by the Federation of American Scientists.

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