Trump Critiques War Report by Formerly Admired Strategist

In a recent speech before the National Guard in Michigan, President Donald Trump criticized a report on U.S. military readiness against China, which was co-authored by General Jack Keane, a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Trump himself.

Trump’s address highlighted national security and foreign policy, standing in stark contrast to Vice President Kamala Harris, whose popularity has surged since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee for the 2024 election.

The report, released by the Commission on the National Defense Strategy in July, voiced concerns about America’s military preparedness. It stated, “The Commission finds that, in many ways, China is outpacing the United States and has largely negated the U.S. military advantage in the Western Pacific.” Without substantial changes, the report warned, the power equilibrium is likely to tilt favorably towards China.

trump august 26 2024

Emily Elconi/Getty Images

Describing the report as “stupid,” Trump questioned its release, stating, “We shouldn’t be saying we’re going to lose a war with China.” He emphasized the importance of strengthening national defenses rather than putting out demoralizing assessments.

Trump recognized General Keane’s contributions in his speech, praising him as a “visionary” and expressing admiration for his military service. Keane, a retired four-star general and experienced adviser, had previously voiced concerns over U.S. military readiness and noted that China outnumbers the U.S. in naval ships and aircraft.

As the 2024 electoral landscape unfolds, national security remains a critical focus for both Trump and Harris, with differing perspectives on how to approach the growing tensions with China.

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