Veterans Call Out Tim Walz as ‘Impersonator’ for His National Guard Claims

Veterans have criticized Minnesota Governor and Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, labeling him a “military impersonator.” This backlash comes after Walz was announced as Kamala Harris’ running mate, prompting scrutiny of his military service record.

Some critics, including GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance, have accused Walz of “stolen valor” for referring to himself as a retired command sergeant major. While Walz served in the Minnesota National Guard for 24 years, his title was changed from command sergeant major to master sergeant after he failed to complete the required coursework for the higher rank.

In a recent interview with Megyn Kelly, four veterans who served with Walz—Tom Behrends, Paul Herr, Tom Schilling, and Rodney Tow—voiced their concerns about his claims. Behrends openly condemned Walz, stating, “This guy is a military impersonator. He’s repeatedly called himself a retired command sergeant major, which he never actually earned.” He expressed his frustration over Walz’s persistent claims as “sickening.”

Herr added that Walz is a “habitual liar,” emphasizing that he distorts facts even about trivial matters. “We have stolen valor when individuals try to steal the glory of other soldiers,” he remarked, perpetuating the sentiment of betrayal felt by some veterans.

Tim Walz

Joseph Prezioso / AFP/Getty Images

Critics also assert that Walz inaccurately claimed to have been deployed to Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield, stating that he served one overseas tour without being in a direct combat role. Notably, Walz left the National Guard in 2005 to pursue politics and did not deploy to Iraq as some critics allege.

Discussing Walz’s decision not to engage in combat, Herr described it as “morally indefensible.” However, there has been pushback from some Democrats, including Representative Adam Smith. Smith defended Walz, stating that claims he left to avoid deployment are false. According to Smith, Walz’s military exit and his decision to run for Congress were well-timed, with his unit being called up after his departure.

These accusations resurfaced after Walz discussed his military background in a CNN interview, where he acknowledged his previous comments about weapons and clarified that he has never intended to belittle anyone’s military service, stressing, “I never have and I never will.” The Harris campaign also noted that Walz “misspoke” in his comments regarding war.

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