Woman Caught Painting Museum Officials’ Homes Red in Protest

Taylor Pelton, 28, was taken into custody in Queens for allegedly vandalizing the homes of key figures at the Brooklyn Museum—Director Anne Pasternak and President Kimberly Panicek Trueblood—back in mid-June.

Police report that on June 12, Pelton and five associates vandalized Pasternak’s residence by splattering red paint and hanging a banner that read: “Anne Pasternak Brooklyn Museum White-Supremacist Zionist“, with a smaller line stating, “Funds Genocide“. Additional banners included messages like “Blood on your hands“.

Brooklyn Museum Protest
Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

This act of vandalism seems to have been fueled by ongoing protests urging the museum to denounce the killings of Palestinians in Gaza and to divest from Israel.

Just weeks prior to the vandalism, hundreds had gathered outside the museum, leading to police detaining 34 individuals and arresting six on various charges, including trespassing and assault.

Nationwide, large-scale pro-Palestinian demonstrations have emerged in response to U.S. support for Israel amidst the current conflict in Gaza, ignited by Hamas’ attack on October 7, which resulted in 1,200 deaths and approximately 250 hostages, with around 120 still unaccounted for.

In the wake of these tensions, Israel has conducted numerous air and ground operations, displacing over 2.1 million Palestinians and reportedly resulting in upwards of 39,000 deaths, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the Associated Press (AP).

New York City Mayor Eric Adams quickly condemned the vandalism, sharing images of the defaced property on social media, asserting, “This is not peaceful protest or free speech. This is a crime, and it’s overt, unacceptable antisemitism.” He further emphasized that such actions would not be tolerated in New York City.

After her arraignment, Pelton was released with court supervision, according to the Brooklyn district attorney’s office. Details about the other involved individuals have not yet been disclosed.

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