Heartbreaking Decision: Owners Surrender 16-Year-Old Dog After Losing Patience

A heartwarming rescue effort is underway for a senior Chihuahua named Nasa, who was recently surrendered by his long-time owners. At 16 years old, Nasa found himself in a difficult situation when his family decided they no longer wanted to care for him, expressing they were “tired of waiting for him to die.”

Nasa was taken to an animal shelter where he faced an uncertain future. The shelter staff felt that putting him down after losing everything he’s known was simply not right. They reached out to Mac’s Mission, a nonprofit dedicated to saving dogs in dire need, especially those requiring medical assistance.

Mac’s Mission felt compelled to act quickly, despite being at full capacity. They transported Nasa to a loving foster family, hoping to give him a memorable end to his life. The story has since been shared widely on their Facebook page, with hopes that a forever family will soon come forward to offer him the comfort he deserves.

16-year-old dog Nasa
Mac’s Mission/Facebook

Even though Nasa is both vision and hearing impaired and the shelter does not expect him to live for long, they want to ensure he feels love and support until the end. A representative from the shelter expressed optimism for an adoption update soon.

In the United States, approximately 6.3 million pets enter shelters each year, averaging about 17,260 a day, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A recent report highlighted a significant increase in shelter intake, with 46,807 animals brought in during January 2023 alone—a rise of 1,744 from the previous year.

Sadly, around 920,000 animals are euthanized annually, prompting shelters to implement adoption campaigns and rehabilitation programs to reduce these numbers.

What Are People Saying?

Nasa’s story touched many hearts on Facebook, garnering over 1,800 likes and 400 comments by Friday.

“It’s amazing how thoughtless people can be. You’re in good hands now, little buddy. Sending prayers!” wrote one user.

Another commented, “This story is just heartbreaking! I’m grateful for the help this sweet boy is receiving and for his foster family!”

A third added, “I just can’t wrap my head around it. This dog gave love for 16 years and was tossed aside because he doesn’t die fast enough. It’s truly sickening.”

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