Owner Left in Shock After Dog’s Grooming Disaster: Was It the Wrong Pup?

After a recent grooming appointment, one dog owner was left questioning whether they received the right pet back.
TikTok user @biscuitbiewerboy shared a video highlighting the transformation of Biscuit, their Biewer terrier, following what they deemed a disastrous haircut.

In the comments, the owner clarified that they had requested a “short” style for the back while keeping Biscuit’s head “fluffy” and ensuring a “clean” look around the eyes. While the groomer did shorten the back, Biscuit’s fur was shaved down almost entirely, resulting in a significantly slimmer appearance. Oddly enough, the fluff remained on his legs, leading to a jarring contrast.

The haircut made Biscuit appear as if he had shed a few pounds, while his ears and eyes seemed more pronounced. The owner couldn’t shake the feeling that they were given the wrong dog, describing Biscuit as looking like “some cross of a pincher.” Thankfully, the floppy ears were a giveaway that it was indeed Biscuit.

Feeling speechless, the owner noted they paid for the service and left promptly, planning to find a new groomer. In response to the owner’s critique, the groomer defended their work, claiming, “his head short like this, he looks much more proportional.”

Biewer terrier botched haircut


Reactions on TikTok

Biscuit’s haircut video has attracted over 31,000 views, with many TikTok users expressing shock at the result and labeling it a “butcher job.”

One user quipped, “Did he do it with a knife and fork?”

Another added: “On the upside, he’ll not need a haircut for a while.”

A third commenter enthusiastically stated: “Still totally adorable though!”

Even a professional groomer weighed in, remarking, “I’m a groomer, and that cut is awful.”

Grooming Tips for Biewer Terriers

The Biewer terrier, recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2021, is a newer breed that descends from Yorkshire terriers. Like their relatives, these dogs require careful grooming.

Biewer terriers have a single coat that can be groomed at home. Daily brushing is recommended to avoid matting, especially if the hair is kept long. However, for owners who prefer a shorter style, less brushing is needed, but more frequent grooming appointments are required.

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