Protective Pup: How a Dog Defends Her Little Buddy from Brother’s Advances

A recent TikTok video captured the heartwarming yet protective nature of a female dog who is quite serious about her role as a caretaker. The owner’s young son was sitting on the ground while both dogs were eager for affection, but it was the female dog that took charge.

In the video posted by user @molidayy29 on July 26, the female dog quickly made her way to the boy, reveling in the head scratches he offered. Meanwhile, the male dog approached, hoping to share in the moment. However, the protective female canine stepped in, acting as if the little boy was her own pup.

She positioned herself between the son and the male dog, barking at him to keep his distance. Despite the male dog just wanting to sneak a quick kiss, she was having none of it—no one was getting close to her favorite human.

The caption humorously noted: “She used to do the same to her baby dad.”

Girl dog protective over child

The video quickly gained traction, amassing nearly 2 million views and over 242,000 likes. Viewers flocked to the comments to share their thoughts, with one suggesting that the dog sees the boy as her puppy and feels protective, especially around another male dog.

Another comment playfully interpreted the dog’s behavior: “Excuse me sir, it’s not your visiting schedule day.” However, some viewers began to speculate whether the female might be exhibiting resource guarding, a natural instinct in dogs that can emerge when they perceive a threat to their valued possessions.

Resource guarding can manifest in various behaviors, from growling to simply giving an imposing look. While it can be concerning, especially in households with children, the dog’s owner reassured viewers that her dog’s behavior isn’t typical of resource guarding. She noted that the dog usually allows her son to interact with the other pets without issue but will continue to monitor the situation to prevent any escalation.

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