Texas Newspaper Calls Out Greg Abbott for ‘Irresponsible’ Actions

The Houston Chronicle recently criticized Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s approach to election integrity, labeling his rhetoric as “beyond reckless.” In a bold editorial, the state’s largest newspaper condemned Abbott for amplifying baseless fears surrounding the security of Texas elections.

In their op-ed titled “Texas’ voter roll purge is routine practice. So why is Greg Abbott crying voter fraud?”, the editorial board challenged Abbott’s claim that over 1.1 million individuals were removed from the voter rolls to combat illegal voting—publicizing this move as a protective measure. The majority of those purged were either deceased, moved out of state, or not U.S. citizens.

The editorial raised concerns over the implications of such actions, arguing they were timed to create confusion and suppress voter turnout. They highlighted a pattern in Abbott’s rhetoric that lacks substantial evidence of any widespread electoral issues.

Abbott’s office reported the removals included over 6,500 noncitizens and more than 457,000 deceased individuals. Particularly troubling for the editorial board was Abbott’s unsubstantiated speculation about illegal activities connected to noncitizen voters.

The editorial board compared Abbott’s rhetoric to the “Big Lie” narrative pushed by former President Trump after the 2020 election, expressing concern that Abbott’s statements may refashion such damaging claims under the guise of “election integrity.”

Following the controversial Senate Bill 1, which introduced new voting restrictions, Abbott’s actions have sparked criticism, especially after a federal court found parts of the bill violated the Civil Rights Act by disenfranchising eligible voters over minor errors.

In addition, the board condemned Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for a recent raid on the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) concerning alleged voter fraud, noting his office closed just six fraud cases since September 2022 despite aggressive investigations.

Greg Abbott
Getty Images/Alex Wong

Voting rights advocates argue these claims of widespread fraud mask efforts to impose laws that harm minority communities typically aligned with Democratic values. The Houston Chronicle echoed this sentiment, highlighting a historic pattern of voter suppression in Texas.

In closing, the editorial asserted, “Every Texan should know there are multiple safeguards ensuring legal voting. Anyone suggesting otherwise, including our governor, is spreading misinformation.”

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