A Surprise Encounter: Woman’s Anniversary Card Shopping Takes an Unexpected Turn

A woman went viral after her sneaky trip to buy an anniversary card took an unexpected twist—her husband had the same idea! Meet Morgan Horowitz, 33, who posted a delightful TikTok video (@morganhoro) of her outing to CVS for a card for her husband, Jordan, also 33.

As Morgan strolled through the store, scanning the shelves for the perfect card, she spotted someone familiar down the aisle. Yep, it was her husband! “I walked into CVS and saw him way down the aisle, so I took out my phone and started filming,” Morgan shared. “When I called Jordan’s name, he was clearly surprised to see me. It was very funny and so typical of us to get cards the day before our anniversary.”

Couple see each other at card store
@morganhoro / TikTok

The video quickly gained traction, racking up over 14.1 million views and 2.2 million likes within days. Viewers loved their candid reactions and the couple made sure to keep some mystery by steering clear of each other’s card choices. They even checked out separately, adding to the surprise for their fourth wedding anniversary.

Living in an apartment building, Morgan thought she could sneak out without Jordan noticing. “I hoped he wouldn’t realize it was last minute,” she laughed. Instead, their synchrony led to an entertaining moment they could both share.

Since going viral, the clip has amassed over 2,600 comments, with many users playfully commenting on how alike the couple is. One noted, “I believe in a thing called love,” while another teased, “Just hand the cards to each other right there, then put them back and save your money.”

It’s clear that Morgan and Jordan have a special connection, and their hilarious coincidence just made their anniversary that much sweeter!

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