From Being “Stood Up” to an Unexpected Adventure: Woman’s Story of Traveling with a Near-Stranger in Peru

Imagine landing alone in Peru after traveling for days with someone you barely knew – as was the case with one woman.

Dutta travels all the way from Los Angeles to Peru on video. She discusses plans with James Blain – whom she met while living in Japan – but when he failed to show or respond to phone calls, this clip shows Dutta finding accommodation by herself.

Rivata Dutta in her TikTok video

“Upon arriving, I sent him a text message but received nothing back, so instead decided to proceed with my original plan, which was having an enjoyable trip through South America regardless. She shared. After getting some rest at the hostel I thought about what options might lie ahead for my future life choices and decisions.”

Next morning she pulled open her privacy curtain that had kept Blain at bay, and saw who it belonged to; Dutta recognized his shoes immediately as evidence. At first angry over their appearance she quickly put aside their disagreement in order to continue with a successful trip; Blain later claimed he had already fallen asleep the night prior when Dutta arrived.

Dutta knew she would embark on an extraordinary journey the minute it occurred to her.

He had already spent over a month traveling and was familiar with mountains, salt flats and hostel stays. Dutta remembered having five pieces of clothes when living the backpacker lifestyle – “I was the city girl from Los Angeles who traveled.

From Japan to Peru

The spontaneous trip was inspired by an earlier 48-hour jaunt to Japan the previous year.

Dutta met Blain through Hinge Matching, but their encounter did not spark romantic feelings immediately. Dutta provided excellent treatment of Blain from their initial encounter.

As soon as they met James, he teased her, showing his disinterest in dating her. It was refreshing; during solo travels there is often too much emphasis on romance; having someone like James around was unwelcome but welcome nonetheless.

Dutta and Blain’s trip was complete when they spent two days exploring Japan together – hiking on Mount Fuji one day, then visiting an organic farm where Blain had worked the following.

Dutta Dutta’s travel vlog brought them back together after having lost touch since Japan, when Blain asked Dutta if she’d accompany him on an exploratory trip through South America; though initially reluctant, Dutta accepted and ultimately went with Blain on this adventure despite feeling nervous and uncertain of herself and their intentions.

Dutta: “We barely spoke until the day before my flight” It was essential for both parties involved that trust was established from day one.

Their friendship blossomed during an unforgettable trip through South America.

Dutta recalls, “He forced me out of my comfort zone of city living by sleeping for three nights on an Amazon River cargo boat – an adventure which proved both exhilarating and rugged at once!

The group traveled from Peru to Columbia where they engaged with local communities and learned the ropes of playing soccer.

Dutta is eager to see what lies in store.

“This decision was one of the most crucial ones I ever made.” She credits real friendships as lasting bonds; through long bus rides, meetings with Crocodiles and hammock nights they brought her and him closer together.

Dutta said she planned on sharing this experience with her grandson one day.

Blain’s journey can be found on her Facebook page.

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