One Curious Single Woman Asks: What’s Your Secret to Dating?

Ever felt like you’re the only one not swiping right on every dating app? A TikTok user named Petrellese recently shared her bewilderment about how people seem to hop from one relationship to another seamlessly. “I just don’t understand how some people find multiple partners,” she remarked in her viral video. “In 23 years, I haven’t found a single guy I want to be with.”

Sam Petrellese in her TikTok video

Petrellese expressed her confusion about friends who quickly jump into new relationships after a breakup. “One friend was in a five-year relationship, then immediately met someone else,” she noted. This observation pushed her to question the phenomenon of “relationship hopping.”

She wonders if her own standards might be too high, admitting she values meaningful connections over just dating for the sake of it. “I’d rather be alone than settle for someone who doesn’t treat me right,” she shared. “I believe it’s essential to find someone who adds value to your life.” She also emphasized that many people seem to settle for less, not recognizing their self-worth.

Insights from the Comments

The comments section on her video was lively, with viewers sharing their takes on why some can’t stay single. Many echoed Petrellese’s confusion, while others suggested a fear of solitude might play a role. “As I get older, I see some just can’t stand being alone,” one commenter said.

Petrellese observed that many relationship hoppers may crave validation from others. “Learning to love yourself is crucial,” she said. “Once you’re comfortable on your own, you’ll attract better people into your life.”

For Petrellese, it’s all about setting high standards—after all, she believes anyone interested in her needs to treat her better than she treats herself.

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