One Sports Team Takes the Bold Step to Share Player Contracts Publicly

If you’re a sports fan, you’re probably already used to hearing about your favorite players’ salaries. Most professional leagues have reporters dedicated to tracking and analyzing financial data, making it easy for fans to stay informed.

However, this level of transparency wasn’t always the norm. Now that professional sports are constantly in the media spotlight and tons of information is readily available online, it’s become commonplace for salary details to be shared publicly.

One team that’s embracing this trend is the NHL’s St. Louis Blues, who recently launched a microsite showcasing every player’s salary through the 2028-29 season. This is the first time a major North American sports team has made such data available on its own site.

St. Louis Blues Stacy Roest Steve Yzerman

Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

This user-friendly tool allows fans to dive into salary details, fueling conversations about player worth and contract bargains.

While the Blues are leading the charge, other NHL teams might follow suit soon.

There have always been trusted online sources like, which compiles player salary data across various leagues. The history of NHL salary sites is particularly notable., launched in 2009, was the first to present salary data in a visually engaging format. It quickly gained authority among fans until it sadly shut down in early 2015 following the death of its founder, Matthew Wuest.

After CapGeek’s demise, took its place, continuing the trend and eventually getting acquired by the Washington Capitals in 2023.

Although smaller in scale, also adopts similar data presentation. With the Blues’ new initiative, there’s a fresh opportunity to engage hockey fans in St. Louis and beyond.

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