Monday, July 1, 2024
69.8 F

Climate Change

The Incredible Story of Delos: A Magnificent Ancient Site Facing Extinction

Delos, a small island in Greece, is home to a remarkable ancient site,...

Stunning View of Sea Ice from Space

Above, we witness the mesmerizing patterns formed by sea...

Extreme Weather Claims the Lives of Seven Million Livestock

Recently, an extreme weather event—attributed to climate change—has tragically resulted in...

Get Ready for a Game Changer: “Negative CO2 Emissions” with New Renewable Energy Source

Guess what? A recent study reveals an unexpected renewable energy source boasting "negative...

Laughing Gas, Seriously Affecting Our Climate: How Better Farming Can Help

A recent study revealed a concerning increase in human-caused nitrous oxide emissions, also...

California’s Record Wildfires Linked to Hidden Dead Trees

A recent study suggests that concealed millions of dead trees might have...

Alaska on Alert: Future Sea-Level Rise May Bring Major Flooding by 2100

Hey there! So, check out this map that shines a light on...

Building Begins on Bill Gates Nuclear Project

Bill Gates' nuclear venture has kicked off construction in Wyoming with plans to...

Miami Hurricane Season – Meet the Man who Mixes Concrete with Corals

Deep underwater, about 200 yards off the coast of North Miami Beach, an...

California Water Warning: ‘Critical Tech’ Shows Troubling Gaps

California is facing potential water supply risks, as rivers and streams...

Justice Alito Recuses Himself from Case Involving Potential Financial Conflict

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has chosen not to...