Saturday, June 29, 2024
89 F


Supreme Court Ruling on Abortion Drug Raises Concerns among Trump Critics

Recent concerns have arisen from abortion-rights advocates following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling...

Kate Winslet Drops Major Bombshell About ‘The Holiday’ Cottage

Kate Winslet recently shared a surprising secret related to one of her most...

The Lion King Cast: 30 Years Later

30 years have passed since the iconic movie The Lion King...

Street Art Mocks Amal and George Clooney, Joe Biden, and George Bush Ahead of Fundraiser

Before an upcoming fundraising event where Jimmy Kimmel will host former President Barack...

Kevin Spacey’s Emotional TV Interview: Reflecting on the Past

Kevin Spacey recently sat down for a rare on-screen...

Kathy Griffin Goes Under the Knife to Repair Vocal Cord Paralysis

Kathy Griffin recently revealed she's undergoing surgery to address vocal cord paralysis resulting...

Mark Ruffalo Stirs Up Conversation with Comments on Israel-Hamas Conflict

Mark Ruffalo, popularly known as an Avengers star, recently...

Unveiling Hollywood’s Take on the Enigmatic Persona of Faye Dunaway in Cinema

Back in 1967, Faye Dunaway graced the silver screen, embodying the infamous Bonnie...