Saturday, June 29, 2024
89 F

Housing Market

State’s ‘Progressive’ Policies Blamed for Housing Market Crisis: Report

So, here's the deal: we've got a report saying...

China’s Housing Market Struggles Continue

China's housing market is in turmoil, with home prices dropping even further in...

Get Ready: Real Estate Agents in for a Shake-Up

Some big changes are on the way for real estate agents, thanks to...

Florida Housing Market Shift: 1 in 4 Sellers Lower Prices

Recent data from Zillow reveals that homeowners in Florida are adjusting their home...

Good News for California’s Rent Market

Great news for renters in some of California's major cities like Oakland, San...

Texan Builds Tiny Home in Storage Unit for Under $20,000

In the midst of skyrocketing mortgage prices and a...

Florida Housing Market Struggles

Florida homeowners are facing challenges in selling their houses as data reveals an increase...

The US cities at risk in the housing market

A recent study by ATTOM highlights the metro areas around Chicago,...

The Struggle of Americans in Selling Their Homes

If you've been trying to sell your home and...

Breaking News: Mortgage Rates Take a Hit in Latest Housing Market Report

The Federal Reserve recently revised its interest rate cuts projection. This update has...

What’s Happening in Austin’s Housing Market?

Over the past year, home prices in Austin have...

Get Ready for a Possible Drop in Mortgage Rates

Good news! The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics just revealed that inflation in...

Changing Mortgage Rates: Americans Refinance Their Homes

Hey there! Guess what? The Mortgage Bankers Association just reported that due to...

Florida’s Housing Markets Cooling Rapidly

Florida's housing markets on the West Coast are showing signs of...

Amazon Engages in Affordable Housing Initiatives Near 3 US Cities

Amazon, one of America's "Big Five" tech giants, recently disclosed plans to allocate...

Texas Cities See Rent Prices Plunge

Experts are linking the drop in rent prices in certain Texas markets to...

Big Drop in Mortgage Rates Forecasted for the Near Future

The World Bank predicts that if inflation hits the Federal Reserve's two-percent target,...

Kevin O’Leary’s Cautionary Tale for the Housing Market

Known for his investment savvy, Kevin O'Leary is warning...

States with the Highest Housing Hidden Costs

A recent study reveals that the annual cost to own and maintain a...

Hotspots for Surging House Prices Revealed

Recent data indicates that home prices in the U.S. have surged by...