Saturday, June 29, 2024
89 F


Can Donald Trump Beat Biden in Michigan? Let’s Check the Polls

Donald Trump recently visited Michigan to mount an aggressive campaign blitz, hoping to close...

Donald Trump’s Standing Shifts in Crucial Swing States

Donald Trump appears to have lost ground in two key battleground states with less...

Kellyanne Conway’s Trump Crowd Size Claim Sparks Backlash and Humor

Kellyanne Conway, a former aide to Donald Trump, recently claimed that Trump spoke...

Donald Trump Gets Good Sign in Two Critical Swing States: Poll

#Donald Trump Makes Gains with Black Voters in Swing States: New Poll A recent...

Trump Mixes Up Doctor’s Name While Challenging Biden to Cognitive Test

In a speech to the Turning Point Action Convention in Detroit, former President...

What We Know About the Shooting at Michigan Splash Pad

Multiple people were injured in a shooting at a splash pad in Rochester...

Donald Trump’s Visit to Black Detroit Church Raises Questions

Donald Trump, the former President, made a surprising visit to Detroit for a...

Check Out the Full Lineup of Black Americans for Trump Coalition Partners

President Donald Trump recently launched a coalition called "Black Americans for Trump" in...

Watch Donald Trump’s Speech at Turning Point Action Michigan Event

Former President Donald Trump will be speaking at Turning...

A Dog’s Funny Take on Song Lyrics

A man in Michigan was left in tears when...

Michigan Criminalizes Necrophilia

# Michigan Bans Necrophilia: Melody's Law The Michigan House of Representatives recently passed "Melody's...

Donald Trump’s Birthday Bash with a “Massive” MAGA Boat Parade

Former president Donald Trump is set to celebrate his 78th birthday with a...

Millions in School Funding at Risk in Michigan

Michigan must act fast to avoid losing billions in federal stimulus funds. In 2021,...

Michigan to Cut Weight Loss Drug Coverage for Thousands

Residents in Michigan taking weight loss drugs may soon face a setback as...

Donald Trump Losing Ground in Battleground State

A recent polling study suggests that support for Donald Trump is slipping in Michigan...

Exciting Progress on the New Bridge Connecting the US and Canada

Workers are currently installing the temporary beams that...