Saturday, June 29, 2024
89 F


Heads Up! Red Flag Warnings Arouse Concern Across Several States

When strong winds, high temperatures, and low humidity team up, it's a recipe for...

Donald Trump’s Candidates Secure Election Victories

Donald Trump saw success as his endorsed Republican candidates...

The Intrigue of the Lake Mead Fire Engulfing 26 Boats

A recent fire at Lake Mead in Nevada destroyed...

Supporters Hospitalized at Donald Trump Rallies

During a recent campaign rally by former President Donald Trump in...

Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Garners Surprising Reactions

A culinary union has rejected former President Donald Trump's...

Donald Trump’s Controversial Remarks on Sharks

Donald Trump faced backlash after expressing his unusual thoughts about sharks and sinking...

Donald Trump’s Supporters Leave Rally During His Speech, Video Shows

During a recent Las Vegas rally, former President Donald Trump spoke...

Trump’s Joke about Supporters Choosing Suicide Over Voting for Biden

Former President Donald Trump recently made a controversial statement suggesting that one of...

Trump Jokes About Heat at Las Vegas Rally: “Your Vote is All I Care About”

In a recent campaign rally in Las Vegas, Donald...

Donald Trump Takes Aim at Teleprompters During Las Vegas Rally

Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, expressed his frustration with malfunctioning...

Trump Rally Expects 100-Degree Temperature

Get ready for a scorching Sunday at Trump's rally, with temperatures expected to hit...

Trump Gears Up for Nevada Rally Amid Poll Lead

Donald Trump is set to amp up his campaign...