Exploring Telegram’s Darknet: Discoveries from Recent Research

A recent study has revealed intriguing details about Telegram’s darknet groups, showing that Russian is the predominant language, followed closely by English.

Researchers from the Italian Polytechnic University of Turin and the Brazilian Federal University of Minas Gerais examined over 50 million messages from 669 public Telegram groups, including 62 categorized under “darknet” categories. Their research provides insights into the dynamics of these virtual spaces.

Surprisingly, the analysis found that darknet groups featured longer messages compared to those discussing cryptocurrency and education, even surpassing the average message length seen in political discussions. This stands in stark contrast to what one might expect in highly transactional environments.

The study also looked into bot activity, which is prevalent for moderating content and engaging users. While all groups showed some bot usage, it was notably moderate in darknet groups—much less so than in educational or linguistic discussions where bots made up nearly 30% of activity.

A closer inspection revealed that many messages contained images showcasing illicit content like stolen credit card details and illegal drugs.

Cyber criminal in hoodie looks at smartphone.
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In 2023, cybersecurity analyst Danique Lummen conducted research on darknet markets, pointing to Telegram’s growing allure for illicit activities due to its user-friendly interface. With over 700 million users, Telegram makes it easy to navigate potential marketplaces.

Lummen’s research highlighted how Telegram groups simplify advertisement viewing compared to closed darknet marketplaces like Wallstreet Market and AlphaBay. According to her, the app allows users to find specific marketplaces easily through its built-in search.

However, Telegram’s structure can put potential buyers at a disadvantage since transactions must occur outside the platform, essentially turning these groups into advertisement boards.

Additionally, the study noted that, besides cryptocurrencies, advertisers in Telegram’s darknet groups often accept payment methods like PayPal, Paysafe, and gift cards, whereas traditional darknet marketplaces typically rely on digital wallets and an escrow system for safe transactions.


Perlo, A., Paoletti, G., Jha, N., Vassio, L., Almeida, J. & Mellia, M. (2024). A Topic-wise Exploration of the Telegram Group-verse. 10.48550/arXiv.2409.02525.

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