Shocking Revelation: Why This Woman Was Permanently Banned by an Airline

Erin Wright, a 24-year-old from New Mexico, has recently become an online sensation after a bewildering encounter with American Airlines. On June 27, 2024, while trying to check in for her flight from Albuquerque to New Orleans, she was stunned to find out she was banned from flying with them.

Standing awkwardly at the kiosk, she was told by an airline representative that she was on a no-fly list, leaving her embarrassed and confused. She reached out for more clarity, but the staff had little information to offer.

Why woman banned from flying

@erin_wright_ / TikTok

Facing a travel dilemma and unable to secure assistance, Wright ended up shelling out $1,000 for a last-minute flight, in addition to the $400 she’d already paid. “Missing my sister’s bachelorette party was not an option,” Wright shared.

While waiting for her new flight, Wright decided to contact American Airlines’ customer relations. Surprisingly, she received a response 12 days later from the corporate security team, claiming she was banned due to alleged “sexual relations with a man on a flight, while intoxicated.” This revelation left her flabbergasted, especially since she identifies as a lesbian.

Wright quipped, “It’s just so unlike me,” expressing both embarrassment and amusement at the mix-up. Feeling powerless, she quickly sent an appeal to contest the claim. After three long months, she finally got the long-awaited news: her ban was lifted, and she was reimbursed for the initial flight, but not for the extra expenses incurred.

Spreading the Word

On August 8, she took to TikTok (@erin_wright_) to share her outrageous experience, leading to her video going viral with over 3.5 million views and 346,800 likes. Wright aims to draw attention to her situation in hopes of receiving a proper resolution from the airline.

While American Airlines has yet to reimburse her for the unforeseen costs, the viral attention paid off when Wright revealed that her TikTok video helped her secure about $1,008.70 in rewards from generous followers.

With over 15,700 comments flooding in, viewers were just as shocked. One user pointedly asked, “Why do they allow you to book in the first place if you’re allegedly banned?” Another remarked, “That’s wild! I’m so sorry you had to go through that!”

As of now, Wright is still seeking justice and, despite the embarrassment she faced, has turned her story into a rallying point for those who have faced similar predicaments.

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