Viral Video: Passenger Captures Plane’s Speed During Takeoff in Real-Time

A TikTok video of a passenger using a smartphone app to track an airplane’s takeoff speed has gone viral, racking up over 5.3 million views since it was posted by @bevis999 on August 20. The clip features the Speedometer app being utilized as the aircraft departs from London’s Stansted Airport.

The video poses an interesting question: “What speed does an airplane do for takeoff?” It opens with a shot of the phone displaying the plane’s speed in mph. As the aircraft taxis down the runway, it starts at around seven mph but quickly accelerates past 100 mph, even hitting about 140 mph while still grounded.

As the plane finally lifts off, the app clocks the speed at a thrilling 170 mph, with takeoff speed reaching approximately 187 mph just as the video concludes.

FlightAware reported that on a recent Friday, 180,148 flights were logged, highlighting the booming travel environment. Euromonitor International forecasts global tourism spending to soar to an impressive U.S. $2 trillion in 2023.

While the exact aircraft model for the flight in the video is unclear, it’s worth noting that takeoff speeds can fluctuate based on several conditions, such as aircraft type and passenger load.

Plane taking off runway.
iStock / Getty Images Plus

Earlier this year, a pilot shared a cockpit video of a Boeing 747 taking off at maximum weight, which adds another layer of interest to these flight metrics. The pilot noted needing the full length of a runway during that takeoff, with speeds reaching approximately 202 mph before liftoff.

‘So Cool’

Viewers on TikTok expressed their awe at the speeds showcased. One user remarked, “I’ve always wondered that,” while others discussed how different factors like aircraft type can influence takeoff speed. Comments ranged from fascinated expressions of excitement to shared love for the takeoff experience, with one user noting, “Wow, I knew it was fast, but faster than expected.” The joy of air travel was a hit among commenters, with many relishing the thrilling pushback into their seats as the plane took off.

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