Barron Trump’s College Choice May Be Announced Next Week

The decision on Barron Trump’s college choice may come to light soon, possibly next week, as colleges gear up for their new students.

There’s plenty of buzz among supporters regarding where Barron will enroll, but the Trump family has yet to share any details following his graduation from Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida, this past May. Unlike his more public relatives, Barron tends to maintain a lower profile.

As most universities get ready for first-year students, their orientation sessions are just around the corner, with many starting to move in as early as next week.

One school that has been a popular speculation among bettors is the University of Miami, which kicks off its move-in day on Monday, August 12.

Additionally, the University of Pennsylvania, also a contender for Barron, is set for move-in on Monday, August 19.

Barron Trump college plans
JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

UPenn is considered a strong possibility since former President Trump attended the Wharton School there, and his other children, Ivanka, Tiffany, and Donald Jr., are also alumni.

During a chat with Megyn Kelly in September 2023, Trump mentioned that Barron was “thinking about” UPenn.

At a recent rally in Miami, Trump shared, “A very young man who’s now going to college. Got into every college he wanted to and he made his choice. He’s a very special guy, Barron Trump.” He refrained from naming the university.

Trump also noted in a June interview with Fox News that recent pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses were influencing Barron’s college search. “Six months ago, you look at a college, and you sort of want a certain college,” he stated. “Then you see all of these colleges rioting, and maybe you want to go to a different kind of college.”

There have been whispers that Barron is exploring other options too. A report from April suggested he might consider New York University, but this information hasn’t been confirmed by either the Trump family or the school.

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