Details Emerge on Sean Grayson’s DUI Incidents Amid Murder Charges

Sean Grayson, a 30-year-old former deputy with the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office, is facing serious charges after fatally shooting 36-year-old Sonya Massey in her Springfield, Illinois home on July 6. Video footage from police body cameras has intensified public backlash against Grayson, who has pleaded not guilty to multiple charges including first-degree murder and aggravated battery. His next court appearance is set for August 26.

Grayson’s troubling history includes two DUI arrests, with the first occurring on August 6, 2015, when he was just 21. Police pulled him over after noticing erratic driving, including hitting curbs. Initially claiming to have consumed a single beer, he later changed his account, admitting to possibly having up to four. According to the arresting officer, Grayson displayed bloodshot eyes and failed several sobriety tests, ultimately registering a blood alcohol content of .117—well above the legal limit of .08.

sean grayson mug shot
Sangamon County

The second DUI took place on July 23, 2016, also involving his pickup truck. Grayson was again pulled over after swerving dangerously into oncoming lanes. Described as having glassy eyes and slurred speech, Grayson lit cigarettes once stopped, likely masking the smell of alcohol. Despite refusing sobriety tests, he was ultimately arrested and caused a scene at the police station, even threatening officers.

Despite his past DUI arrests, Grayson was hired by the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office after a thorough review process. They confirmed his certifications and background checks, which included passing drug tests and psychological evaluations.

Recently, the Massey family has organized a press conference and rally in Chicago, led by attorney Ben Crump and civil rights leaders, to honor Sonya Massey and demand justice.

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