Woman Gazes at ‘Owl’ for 10 Minutes—Then Discovers a Surprising Truth

A woman from Minneapolis has brought laughter to the internet with her recent TikTok post. In a video that quickly went viral, she shares a comical moment where she spent a good ten minutes admiring what she thought was an elegant owl, only to discover it was just a piece of wood.

Under the username @jessicomic, the TikTok clip showcases her initial fascination, calling out, “Forgot my glasses on my walk and admired this owl for ten minutes… it’s a stick,” with a caption that reads: “So beautiful! So blurry!”

woman stares at owl
Getty Images

The amusing incident sheds light on an important issue. According to the American Foundation for the Blind, over 50 million adults in the U.S. experience some level of vision loss, with 3.89 million facing significant challenges even with corrective lenses. Notably, a large majority, 56.8%, of those affected are women.

The viral video has garnered over 2.6 million views and 107,500 likes on TikTok, resonating with viewers worldwide. Commenters chimed in with their own funny anecdotes: one user, Cattus, humorously admitted removing their contacts to better appreciate the “majestic creature,” while Danarea3 confidently claimed, “I see an owl too, and I’m wearing my damn glasses!”

Others shared similar experiences, like Leo Africano, who mistook a buoy for a seal, and Rachel, who misconstrued a cow as a horse. KellyPetty even recounted seeing a “majestic owl” on her neighbor’s roof that turned out to be a satellite dish!

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