Putin Dispatches Troubled Shoigu to Iran as Defense Shakeup Expands

Sergei Shoigu, once a key figure in Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine invasion, recently traveled to Iran for meetings with high-ranking security officials, all while the Kremlin saw a wave of arrests among Shoigu’s close associates.

After being replaced as defense minister in May by Andrei Belousov, Shoigu now serves as the secretary of Russia’s Security Council. However, the removal of his allies has sparked rumors regarding his waning power within the government.

During his trip to Tehran, Shoigu engaged with prominent figures, including Iran’s new president Masoud Pezeshkian and Major General Mohammad Bagheri, the Armed Forces General Staff Chief. Discussions centered on enhancing ties between Russia and Iran, coinciding with Iran’s reaction to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, a Hamas leader.

Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu

Back in Russia, however, the focus shifted to a series of high-profile arrests that continued to affect Shoigu’s former team. On Monday, Vyacheslav Akhmedov and Major General Vladimir Shesterov were apprehended for allegedly embezzling funds linked to the Patriot Park project, often described as Russia’s “military Disneyland.”

This follows the arrest of Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov in April for treason and bribe-taking, and recent reports pointed to the detainment of Vladimir Pavlov, head of the Ministry of Defense’s procurement arm, for fraud.

Insights from Russian military bloggers reveal a growing concern regarding Shoigu’s influence. The Telegram channel ‘Two Majors’ suggested that these arrests reflect a broader initiative to cleanse the ministry’s ranks of corruption while hinting at Shoigu’s diminishing grip on power.

Another post from the channel VCHK-OGPU noted the dismissal of Pavel Baryshev, a Shoigu ally, indicating further erosion of his network within the government. The Institute for the Study of War observed that these developments could signal a concerted effort by the Kremlin to streamline leadership by distancing itself from Shoigu’s once-dominant team.

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